Review: Spell Check by Julie Wright

July 21, 2014 | 2 Comments

Review: Spell Check by Julie WrightSpell Check
Author: Julie Wright
Genres: Young Adult Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Pages: 218
Published: July 1, 2014
Publisher: Heart Stone Press
Source: Purchased



A skeleton is rattling its way out of the closet marked “FAMILY SECRET! KEEP OUT!”

Allyson Peterson believes that being hanged by the Salem High Witches is the absolute worst thing that can happen. But when her powers, wrested from the trolls of ancient Sweden, manifest themselves, she realizes that a prank hanging by vindictive cheerleaders is the least of her worries.

Ally accidentally sends her parents to the jungle to fight anacondas, turns her brother into a mute, and curses the entire cheerleading team with an illness that has no cure, proving that her spells need a little checking. Her Swedish grandmother shows up to help her through the worst part of all—surviving the Troll Trials and saving the guy of her dreams from a vengeance that has festered through-out generations.

The power is in her, if she can just get the magic right.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this story! Yes, it’s the typical “I-just-found-out-I’m-special” type YA paranormal story—but this one is funny and clever. It incorporates some of the Swedish mythology, which was new for me and fun.

It starts with a group of cheerleaders “hanging” Allyson on her birthday, which just happens to be a few days before Halloween. Allyson, being a typical teenager and clueless about her powers, wreaks havoc upon them. It’s awesome!

Trying to wrap her brain around the fact that she’s a witch, learning to control her wishes, and then the Troll Trials… every time you think it can’t get any worse for poor Allyson, it does!

One of the things that I really liked is that it’s Allyson’s character, and not her witch powers, that get her through the worst of it. Like any teen (or adult) under pressure, she thinks about being mean but she rarely acts on it. She rises to the occasion rather than sinking to the level of those around her.

This is a fun, clean read. I’d recommend it to any teens and above who like YA fantasy/paranormal. And I hope there’s going to be a sequel!

[Cover updated 2015]

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