Dearly Departed by Tristi Pinkston

November 5, 2012 | 8 Comments

Dearly Departed by Tristi PinkstonDearly Departed
Series: Secret Sisters #2
Author: Tristi Pinkston
Genres: Cozy Mysteries
Pages: 272
Published: 2011
Publisher: Walnut Springs Press


Ida Mae Babbitt has done her community service and is a reformed woman—no more law-breaking for her.

But when Arlette’s granddaughter Eden discovers a mystery in a fancy nursing home, Ida Mae—with the perfect excuse of a broken wrist and a broken ankle—checks herself into the place.

After all, it is for the greater good.

Soon she’s buzzing around in her motorized wheelchair, questioning the residents and swiping files from the office. She’s bound and determined to get to the bottom of this case. But can she solve the mystery before she becomes the next victim?

When Secret Sisters (book #1) came out last year, I read it because Tristi Pinkston is a friend of mine. That is the extent of the promise I give to my author friends: that I will read their books. Period.

If I like it, I’ll review it here on my blog.

Which I did. (Here)

If I really like it, I’ll help them with promos and contests.

Which I did.

But if I absolutely LOVE it, I’ll buy a bunch of copies and give it away as prizes here on my blog or as gifts to friends and family.

WHICH I DID! I think I’ve now purchased about eight copies of Secret Sisters and everyone I’ve given it to has loved it!

In fact, I loved Secret Sisters so much that when I heard Dearly Departed was about to be released, I contacted Tristi and begged her to be part of her book launch promotions—before reading it! Yes, seriously. I did!

Now I’ve read  Dearly Departed and just to give you a short hint of how much I liked it… I’ve already purchased two copies! (And I just barely finished it.)

Dearly Departed is a character-driven cozy mystery. That means, it’s a quick, fun read with plenty of giggles throughout. (Don’t be thinking Inception or Bourne Identity or even Rear Window. More like Murder She Wrote, but funny.) Once again, we’ve got mystery, murder, suspense, general mayhem, clever dialog, and a cast of characters that doesn’t disappoint,

In this book, most of the original cast of characters return, except for Hannah who has moved out of state and Ren (Ida Mae’s nephew) who is on his mission. We get to know Eden (Arlette’s granddaughter and Ren’s potential girlfriend) much better, as the plot line involves her more deeply with the Secret Sisters—Ida Mae, Arlette and Tansy—called in to help.

We’re also introduced to some new characters: George, a potential love interest for Ida Mae (!!); Hattie, a resident at the nursing home who fits right in with the Secret Sisters’ sleuthing; and Kevin, who may give Ren a run for Eden’s heart!

I’m not going to go into the plot because I don’t want to give anything away—let’s just say that although I did figure out early on where a missing clue had been hidden, I didn’t figure out who the “bad guy” was until near the end. The route to that revelation was fairly straightforward and I would have liked to have seen a few more red herrings—the potential was set up but not thoroughly explored—but as with book one, I thoroughly enjoyed the romp and laughed out loud several times as Ida Mae and her friends tried to solve the mystery.

Fun, entertaining, and very enjoyable! I recommend Dearly Departed to everyone who enjoys cozy mysteries. I also recommend that you check out Ida Mae’s blog and friend her on Facebook.

And because every new book deserves a party, if you follow the blog tour, you can win prizes!

Tristi and Walnut Springs Press are giving away THREE copies of Dearly Departed, and a GRAND PRIZE winner will receive this fun scrapbooking package!


It’s easy to enter.

  1. Visit the fabulous stops on the blog tour (see list below) and leave a comment THIS POST letting us know why you’re excited to read Dearly Departed. Remember to include your email address.
  2. For an additional entry become a follower of Inksplasher, of Walnut Springs Press blog, of Tristi’s blog, or any of the other fabulous reviews blog. Leave a comment on any of the blog tour Dearly Departed review posts letting us know whose blog(s) you now follow.
  3. If you tweet about the blog tour, or post about it on your blog or on Facebook, leave the link in the comments section below and you’ll receive an additional entry for each post.

Good Luck! Entries close at midnight (MST) on March 6th.

*** Blog Tour Stops ***

February 16th
Starcrossed Book Reviews (Nichole Giles)

February 17
Inksplasher (Karlene Browning; me)

February 18
Heather Justensen

February 21
Elizabeth Mueller

February 22
LDS Women’s Book Review (Shanda Cottam)

February 23
Rachelle Writes (Rachelle Christensen)

Sometimes Hard But Oh So Worth It (Kimberly Coates)

February 24
Fire and Ice (Heather Gardner)

February 28
Cheryl’s Book Nook (Cheryl Koch)

March 1
JDP News (Joyce DiPastena)

March 2
Teri Rodeman

March 3
Why Not? Because I Said So (Sheila Stayley)

About Tristi Pinkston

Tristi Pinkston is the author of twenty-six books (gulp), the mother of four fantastic children (no need to hold the applause), and the wife of one very, very patient man (who is definitely in a class by himself). She writes cozy mysteries, thrillers and historical fiction.

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