Review: Birthright by Nichole Giles

July 25, 2014 | 0 Comments

Review: Birthright by Nichole GilesBirthright
Series: Descendant #2
Author: Nichole Giles
Genres: Young Adult Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Pages: 320
Published: May 1, 2014
Publisher: Jelly Bean Press
Source: Purchased



Two months ago, Abigail Johnson saved the life of the boy she believes is her destiny and defeated an army of demons that have pursued her ancestors for centuries. Now, she and Kye should be taking their place as leaders of the new generation of Gifted. But the curse they thought was broken has returned, and every minute together brings them closer to death.

When remaining shadow demons attack again, the Dragons send Abby to Mexico. Being apart from Kye is slowly killing her soul, and it turns out she isn’t any safer here than she was back home. The shadows have tracked her, the locals expect her to help with their own demon problems, and the more time she spends away from Kye, the more she doubts the destiny that ties them together.

When the demons destroy her safe house, Abby has no choice but to take the fight to them. But the arrival of an old nemesis throws their careful plans into disarray, and Abby and her friends find themselves facing new adversaries in a battle that turns fatal. This time, not everyone will make it out alive.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this book! Book 1, Descendant, was great. We learn about Abby’s powers as she does–and realize that there is a mysterious connection between her and Kye, beyond the blooming romance.

In this book, we learn even more about this connection. The more time they are together, the faster they die. On the flip side, being apart is physically painful. An interesting set-up.

Abby and Kye feel very real to me, the characters are well-developed and talk and act just like real teenagers. Well, except for the extra powers. They do stupid things to be together, despite the possible consequences. It’s that type of very strong, angsty love that teenagers feel and can relate to.

While there was no sex between Abby and Kye, there was a lot of touching, deep kissing, and they slept in the same bed. That bothered me a bit because if teens read it, they’ll think they can do it. But it’s the rare teen that can be this intimate without it going further.

The plot was great. It caught me up and carried me through. I hated when I had to put the book down, even for a little bit. I love good vs evil stories, that show the struggle and the sacrifice of the main characters. This one did that.

Very well-written, exciting, intriguing. I can’t wait for book 3.

I recommend it for teens of any age, but with the caveat that parents should maybe talk about the realities of being overly physical with your boy/girlfriend. 4 1/2 stars.

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