{Review + Giveaway} The Undead Road by David Powers King

{Review + Giveaway} The Undead Road by David Powers King

A Clever & Not too Freaky Zombie Book! Some zombie books are just too much—too freaky, too scary, too much blood and guts. For example, The Walking Dead. (Yes, I know. It’s a tv show, not a book.) After the first season, I quit watching because it quickly became a weekly bloodfest and I just got tired of it. The Undead Road by David Powers King is NOT like that. It’s a wonderful story of family, courage, friendship and loyalty, set against a backdrop of […]

January 21, 2016 | 0 Comments

{Review} Keeping June by Shannen Crane Camp

{Review} Keeping June by Shannen Crane Camp

A Sweet End to a Wonderful Series This is the last book in the June series. I have read all of them and loved each one. In the first book, Finding June, June is only 16 and starting a career as an actress. It is definitely a Young Adult novel and would be enjoyed by teen readers and adults who like YA fiction. Over the course of the books, Chasing June (book 2) and Catching June (book 3), June grows older, goes to college, and […]

January 14, 2016 | 0 Comments

The Secret Life of Daydreams by Lucinda Whitney

The Secret Life of Daydreams by Lucinda Whitney

A Sweet, Clean Debut Romance Sometimes “debut” means not quite up to the competition, but that’s not the case with The Secret Life of Daydreams. It’s well-written and kept my interest through the entire story. I look forward to reading more from this author. Sofia and Josh first meet when he is in Portugal on an LDS mission. He taught Sofia about his religion and she joined the church. This story takes place years later, when Sofia and Josh meet again. Because of the issues […]

January 12, 2016 | 0 Comments

{Review + Giveaway} Broken Things to Mend by Karey White

{Review + Giveaway} Broken Things to Mend by Karey White

A Magical Romance series by 12 best-selling authors! Broken Things to Mend is part of The Power of the Matchmaker series. While each book is a stand-alone read, they all contain the recurring character of Pearl, the matchmaker. This is the story of Celia and Silas. They both had an extremely difficult childhood that set them up for heartache and distrust. When Celia shows up in Silas’ home town, he wouldn’t have even given her a second thought if she hadn’t been introduced to him […]

January 8, 2016 | 0 Comments

{Review} Power of the Matchmaker

{Review} Power of the Matchmaker

The Power of the Matchmaker series will be 12 books, each by a different author, to be released one a month in 2016. Pearl the Matchmaker is the common thread between all the books, and this is her story. Although this is classified as a clean romance with a touch of magical realism, there is, in fact, not much romance in it at all. Rather, it’s a story of broken hearts and how Pearl becomes a matchmaker. At only 60 pages, it is a quick […]

December 28, 2015 | 0 Comments

{Review} Simply Anna by Jennifer Moore

{Review} Simply Anna by Jennifer Moore

Jennifer Moore is fast becoming one of my favorite regency romance authors—right up there with Sarah M. Eden and Jane Austen. I loved her first two books, Becoming Lady Lockwood  and Lady Emma’s Campaign. She has a few others that are still on my to-be-read list. As with the other two books I’ve read, Moore continues to write compelling and realistic characters for her time period, setting them in lush landscapes that add to the story without slowing it down. The main characters from those […]

November 28, 2015 | 0 Comments

{Review} Always Will by Melanie Jacobson

{Review} Always Will by Melanie Jacobson

ALWAYS WILL was a fun, fast read for me. It’s not my favorite by Melanie Jacobson, but it’s in the top 3 (#1 Painting Kisses, #2 The List). I love fun and quirky characters. Hannah, Will, and Hannah’s best friend, Sophie, were great. So were a few of the guys Hannah met online. I found myself laughing out loud (literally) at some of their teasing interchanges. Funny and clever dialog all over the place! For example, this conversation between Hannah and Will: Will: “What is […]

November 27, 2015 | 0 Comments

Secrets of Cove: Fires of Invention by J. Scott Savage

Secrets of Cove: Fires of Invention by J. Scott Savage

Grandson Approved! I was lucky enough to go to the release party for Mysteries of Cove: Fires of Invention. I took three of my grandsons (ages 8, 7 and 5).   Backstage with J. Scott Savage We got to go backstage to meet Mr. Savage. There were several other authors there too, most notably Brandon Mull (the grands love Fablehaven and The Candy Shop War) and James Dashner (they didn’t know who he was but were very impressed that his books have been made into […]

November 13, 2015 | 0 Comments

{Review} Played for a Fool by Stephanie Black

{Review} Played for a Fool by Stephanie Black

First off, up front, I own almost all of Stephanie Black’s books, in paperback, most of them I’ve bought with my own money. This one she sent me in exchange for a review. Since I’ve fan-girled over her for years, she probably thought that was a pretty good investment on her part. And she was right. When I read Stephanie’s first book, The Believer, I didn’t know her at all. The book had an interesting premise, it was on sale, and I picked it up […]

November 9, 2015 | 0 Comments

{Review + Giveaway} Christmas Kisses Clean Romance Anthology

{Review + Giveaway} Christmas Kisses Clean Romance Anthology

Shhh! In my real life, I’m known for not liking romance. And really, I don’t love it. At all. But, I have a confession to make. *looks around to make sure no one’s eavesdropping* I sort of, kinda, maybe really like those Lifetime Christmas Romance movies. So when this blog tour popped up in my review radar, I thought I’d give it a read. Also, I have friends who like romance. AND it’s only 99¢ right now for Amazon Kindle. AND I’ve read other romances […]

November 3, 2015 | 2 Comments

Arc Review + Giveaway: The Ghost Host by DelSheree Gladden

Arc Review + Giveaway: The Ghost Host by DelSheree Gladden

I don’t usually enjoy ghost stories. They freak me out. But something about the synopsis of The Ghost Host by DelSheree Gladden intrigued me. I’ve never read anything by her before, so I was willing to give it a try. Zara and Holden have both known me since kindergarten, before things got bad, but not before the ghosts. The ghost have always been there. Even now, there’s at least six of them standing around the table, hoping I’ll acknowledge them. I don’t. The Ghost Host […]

October 12, 2015 | 1 Comment

ARC Review + Giveaway: Lord Fenton’s Folly by Josi S. Kilpack

ARC Review + Giveaway: Lord Fenton’s Folly by Josi S. Kilpack

Whenever I review a romance here, I always feel the need to add a disclaimer. I don’t like romances. I don’t usually read them by choice. But I have loved every single book that I’ve read by Josi S. Kilpack, and so when she started writing Regency Romances, I knew eventually I’d cave and read them. And you know what? I loved Lord Fenton’s Folly! For me, a good regency romance is all about the characters. We first meet Alice and Lord Fenton while they […]

October 9, 2015 | 1 Comment

Review: Followed by Frost by Charlie N. Holmberg

Review: Followed by Frost by Charlie N. Holmberg

I totally loved this book! It may very well make my Top 10 of 2015 list. I don’t know if this was based on a fairytale−if it was, it’s not one I’m familiar with. But the rhythm and cadence of the story is very reminiscent of some of my favorite classic fairy tales. Although the concept of a girl whose touch freezes those who get too close makes Disney’s Frozen immediately leap to mind, this is not at all the same story. It reminded me […]

September 16, 2015 | 0 Comments

Review: Witness by Christine Kersey

Review: Witness by Christine Kersey

This is the first book that I’ve read by Christine Kersey. I liked it. Courtney is in college and her mother has recently moved out of state, so this is her first time on her own. Her mother has taught her well. But when Courtney witnesses a gang-related murder and is then threatened by the killer, she is at a loss for what to do. Honestly, I would be too. The reader experiences a lot of Courtney’s internal debate as she tries to do what […]

September 10, 2015 | 0 Comments

Review: The Kiss That Launched 1000 GIFS by Sheralyn Pratt

Review: The Kiss That Launched 1000 GIFS by Sheralyn Pratt

For me to like a contemporary romance, there needs to be a “something.” It’s hard for me to put my finger on what the “something” is but I do know it’s not the romance itself. The best I can do is say it’s got to be either highly character driven and the characters are fun or interesting, or there’s something of depth there. This one has both. While 99% of the book was light and fun, there’s a very serious topic and scene that makes […]

July 11, 2015 | 1 Comment