Rules of Engagement by Stephanie Fowers

June 19, 2008 | 3 Comments

Rules of Engagement by Stephanie FowersRules of Engagement
Author: Stephanie Fowers
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 266
Published: 2005
Publisher: Covenant


Twenty-five-year-old Samantha Skyler is an attractive college coed, who, like every other single girl, wants to find true love. The problem is, she has virtually no experience when it comes to the dating game.

Enter Harrison Bean. Harrison is intent on teaching Samantha and her roommates how to move from spinster status to that of the most-sought-after girl in the ward. His methods seem to be working for Samantha, until someone discovers the manhunt plot and is determined to sabotage all her efforts.

Join Samantha and her roommates as they really play the dating game—and learn the secret information every girl needs to snag a guy!

I read Rules of Engagement by Stephanie Fowers yesterday in just a few hours. It’s cute and fun.

This book gives you a humorous look into college life while exploring the non-existent love lives of Samantha and her roommates. I enjoyed Samantha’s feisty character and personality. I laughed aloud at many of her antics—such as getting stuck in a window, sneaking into a boy’s apartment to steal a cross-stitched quote, and trying to avoid a stalker. It took me back to my college days. I was not nearly as brave and creative as Samantha, but I had my share of fun. (Our favorite—at the end of the month when we were nearly out of groceries and cash, my roommates and I would decide what we wanted for dinner and then go on a “Scavenger Hunt” to collect the needed ingredients. People will give you anything if you call it a Scavenger Hunt.)

There was a large cast of characters when you figure in all the roommates, the FHE brothers, and other ward members. Sometimes it was a little hard to tell them apart, but otherwise, I followed along well. While a romance at heart, it’s not gooey, smooshy, kissy, heart-thumping romance. In fact, it’s much more funny than romantic, but Samantha and her roommates do end up with their men by the end of the book.

While not at all preachy, this book does assume an LDS reader, or at least familiarity with LDS terminology, like RS, Elder’s Quorum President, etc.

Teen girls will like this book, and it’s clean.

About Stephanie Fowers

Stephanie Fowers loves bringing stories to life. She writes in a variety of genres, including fantasy, science fiction, mysteries, and romantic comedies.

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