Life After Theft by Aprilynne Pike

Life After Theft by Aprilynne Pike

Normally, I don’t do negative reviews. I never review a book that I didn’t like well enough to finish. And if I do finish it and decide I can’t give it a decent review, I just don’t mention it here. Unless it’s a special case—where I feel I need to give readers a heads up. First, let me tell you the good stuff about this book. I thought this was such a clever idea. I was really intrigued. Pike absolutely does a fabulous job of […]

June 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

Lair of the Serpent by T. Lynn Adams

Lair of the Serpent by T. Lynn Adams

Got an older teen looking for great suspense but you want one that’s clean and that you can feel comfortable letting your kid (and yourself) read? Here’s a great one! Lair of the Serpent by T. Lynn Adams is the third book in a mystery/suspense series about teen-ager Jonathon Bradford. We first meet Jonathon in Tombs of Terror, when at age 16 he goes to Peru to reconnect with his father and ends up getting lost in the tunnels under ancient ruins. Tombs is the […]

June 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back by Sariah Wilson

The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back by Sariah Wilson

The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back by Sariah Wilson is amazingly fun! It’s got all the humor and sass of Meg Cabot and Louise Rennison, but without all the inappropriate stuff (language, sexiness). If you like those authors or Janette Rallison’s funny Young Adult reads, you’ll definitely like this book! I always like to get the down-side of a review over with first. So, book cover. Meh. Not really a good one. But don’t let that stop you from giving this book a try. It’s also […]

May 22, 2013 | 0 Comments

When the Butterflies Came by Kimberley Griffiths Little

When the Butterflies Came by Kimberley Griffiths Little

Kimberley Griffiths Little writes Middle Grade fiction. All of her books contain a little bit of magic—and I love them. Including this new one, When the Butterflies Came. Part mystery, part magic, Butterflies intrigued me from the very first line: “The butterfly comes the day after the funeral.” Tara has lost her Grammy, who was very much the stabilizing influence in her life. She grieves for her, while trying to cope with all the changes her grammy’s death brings—some of them not very pleasant. All […]

May 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

Aura by Rebecca Lynn Talley

Aura by Rebecca Lynn Talley

Right up front, I want everyone to know two things. 1) I consider Rebecca Talley a friend and she gave me a copy of Aura with the understanding that I would do a review, IF I liked it. But friend or not, I don’t give good reviews to books I don’t like; and  2) I designed the cover for AURA. Rebecca and I worked together on it, sharing ideas and tweaking things. But that doesn’t mean I have a stake in the success of the […]

March 15, 2013 | 1 Comment

A Blind Eye by Julie Daines

A Blind Eye by Julie Daines

I’m always just a little apprehensive when someone asks me to do a book review. If it’s an author I already like, no problem. But otherwise, it makes my tummy just a little uneasy when I open the book and start into those first few pages. I’m so afraid of being disappointed. Especially when the offer of review started as, “My friend wrote a book and I loved it…” Well, of course you did. They’re your friend; you’re going to like their stuff. You’ll get […]

February 11, 2013 | 3 Comments

My Top Ten 2012 Reads

My Top Ten 2012 Reads

I read 113 books in 2012. I was pretty impressed with myself. **pats self on back** Picking favorites is hard because there are so many that I loved. But I worked it out and here are  my top 10 reads for 2012 (in descending order): 10. The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson I like Brandon Sanderson’s Alcatraz series (middle grade sci-fi) and what he’s done on the Wheel of Time series. But his Mistborn books have been a little hard for me to get […]

January 4, 2013 | 5 Comments

My Top Ten 2010 Reads

My Top Ten 2010 Reads

I read 116 books this year—almost all of them fiction. I know I read several non-fiction books, I can think of over a dozen right off the top of my head, but I forget to add them to my reading list. Must be a mental block of some sort. Whatever. Anyway, inspired by the gals over at LDS Women’s Book Review, I decided to do a Top 10 list of fiction books that I read in 2010 (in descending order): 10. One Door Away from […]

January 2, 2013 | 2 Comments

All Fall Down by Julie Coulter Bellon

All Fall Down by Julie Coulter Bellon

My dear, dear friend, Julie Bellon, has a new book out! I love it when my dear, dear, dear friends have new books out and I can help them spread the word. Especially when they have such wondeful covers!* As some of you may remember, I reviewed All’s Fair when it came out in 2008. (You can read that review here and you really should because Julie really liked my interview with her.) I was supposed to review Ribbon of Darkness in 2011 but I […]

November 22, 2012 | 2 Comments

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games

I wrote the following review two years ago and decided to repost, since the movie is coming out tomorrow. And surprisingly, my thoughts and opinions are still pretty much the same. Before you read the review, know this right off the top: I do not think these books are appropriate for tweens or young teens. As an adult, I found the books thought-provoking but they’re definitely not for everybody. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Scholastic Press978-0439023481 384 pages, hardcoverYA Fantasy From the publisher: Katniss […]

November 19, 2012 | 2 Comments

Targets In Ties by Tristi Pinkston

Targets In Ties by Tristi Pinkston

I am a big fan of the Secret Sisters cozy mystery series. Since this is book #4, here’s a quick summary of the first three books (with just a few spoilers): In Secret Sisters, we meet Ida Mae, Arlette and Tansy, the Omni 2nd Ward Relief Society presidency. In their zeal to provide service to ward members, they get involved in a murder mystery. With the help of Ida Mae’s computer genius nephew, Ren, and Arlette’s granddaughter, Eden, (who start a budding romance) they catch […]

November 15, 2012 | 2 Comments

Hang ‘Em High by Tristi Pinkston

Hang ‘Em High by Tristi Pinkston

Hang ‘Em High is what is called a “cozy” mystery—meaning, it’s a very light and easy read (not a James Patterson). It’s important that you, the reader, understand this distinction. I was taken to task not too long ago for giving a lot of stars to a “fluff” mystery.Well, I happen to like fluff mysteries. They make me laugh. As long as they are clever, and they meet the expectations of the genre, I’ll continue to give cozy mysteries lots of stars. The good thing […]

November 12, 2012 | 13 Comments

Pumpkin Roll by Josi S. Kilpack

Pumpkin Roll by Josi S. Kilpack

Josi Kilpack is on a roll! Okay, so puns are lame—but I couldn’t help myself. Last weekend, I had three books I’ve been dying to read sitting on my nightstand. It was a very, very tough decision as to which to read first. But because Josi S. Kilpack has NEVER failed to entertain me, I decided on Pumpkin Roll, book 6 in the Sadie Hoffmiller Culinary Mystery Series. And yes, Josi did it again! If you like culinary mysteries, the Sadie Hoffmiller series is my […]

November 8, 2012 | 63 Comments

Dearly Departed by Tristi Pinkston

Dearly Departed by Tristi Pinkston

When Secret Sisters (book #1) came out last year, I read it because Tristi Pinkston is a friend of mine. That is the extent of the promise I give to my author friends: that I will read their books. Period. If I like it, I’ll review it here on my blog. Which I did. (Here) If I really like it, I’ll help them with promos and contests. Which I did. But if I absolutely LOVE it, I’ll buy a bunch of copies and give it […]

November 5, 2012 | 8 Comments

Cold as Ice by Stephanie Black

Cold as Ice by Stephanie Black

I love Stephanie Black’s mysteries. Her dark and twisty book, Fool Me Twice, is one of my all-time favorites. Like that book, Cold As Ice is LDS suspense. While religion does not play a big part in the story, it is mentioned occasionally and LDS beliefs on repentance and forgiveness are part of the motivating forces behind some of the characters’ actions. However, it’s not at all preachy and I doubt non-LDS readers would be offended by it. I wasn’t immediately captivated by Abigail’s personality. […]

November 1, 2012 | 0 Comments