Genre: Young Adult Mystery/Suspense

Review: Witness by Christine Kersey

Review: Witness by Christine Kersey

This is the first book that I’ve read by Christine Kersey. I liked it. Courtney is in college and her mother has recently moved out of state, so this is her first time on her own. Her mother has taught her well. But when Courtney witnesses a gang-related murder and is then threatened by the killer, she is at a loss for what to do. Honestly, I would be too. The reader experiences a lot of Courtney’s internal debate as she tries to do what […]

September 10, 2015 | 0 Comments

Lair of the Serpent by T. Lynn Adams

Lair of the Serpent by T. Lynn Adams

Got an older teen looking for great suspense but you want one that’s clean and that you can feel comfortable letting your kid (and yourself) read? Here’s a great one! Lair of the Serpent by T. Lynn Adams is the third book in a mystery/suspense series about teen-ager Jonathon Bradford. We first meet Jonathon in Tombs of Terror, when at age 16 he goes to Peru to reconnect with his father and ends up getting lost in the tunnels under ancient ruins. Tombs is the […]

June 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

A Blind Eye by Julie Daines

A Blind Eye by Julie Daines

I’m always just a little apprehensive when someone asks me to do a book review. If it’s an author I already like, no problem. But otherwise, it makes my tummy just a little uneasy when I open the book and start into those first few pages. I’m so afraid of being disappointed. Especially when the offer of review started as, “My friend wrote a book and I loved it…” Well, of course you did. They’re your friend; you’re going to like their stuff. You’ll get […]

February 11, 2013 | 3 Comments

I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You by Ally Carter

I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You by Ally Carter

This was a fast, fun read. I wanted to be a spy when I was Cammie’s age and I would have loved reading a book like this back then. There is enough adventure to be entertaining and keep you on the edge of your seat at times, but it never dips down into the gore. The romance is sweet and light, some hand-holding and kissing but nothing I’d be embarrassed to have my mother or my daughters read. The characters are great. Cammie and her […]

November 14, 2008 | 0 Comments