Tag: Medieval

After the Crescent Strike by A.L. Sowards

After the Crescent Strike by A.L. Sowards

Spectacular Start to New Series A. L. Sowards is a great author and she’s really done a spectacular job this time. This prequel to a series does exactly what a prequel is supposed to do—make you anticipate the release of book 1! I cannot wait!! This is a historical medieval novella, set during the war between the Turks and the Serbs. I love the writing style. From page one, I was captivated by the characters and plot. There are moments that are sweet and others […]

December 28, 2024 | 0 Comments

Eleanor and the Iron King by Julie Daines

Eleanor and the Iron King by Julie Daines

A Medieval Romance that Feels like a fairy tale! From the description on Amazon, I thought this was going to be a fantasy. While there are some mysterious things happening, this is really a medieval romance. It reads a bit like a fairy tale, and I have no idea if its historically accurate. I’m assuming it is, but if it’s not I don’t really care. It feels very medieval and historic, and I loved it. What did I think? I loved pretty much everything about […]

February 23, 2016 | 0 Comments