Tag: Medieval

Beyond the Crescent Sky by A.L. Sowards

Beyond the Crescent Sky by A.L. Sowards

A Captivating Look at Love During Medieval War A.L. Sowards has once again written a rich and provocative historical novel set in the Balkans during the 14th century. Helena is a healer. Ivan is a prisoner of war. They have to navigate through different languages, cultures, and customs. Their relationship is slow to grow and encounters many stumbling blocks, including war and political maneuvering. Just when you think they might finally make it together, the plot takes multiple twists. This is truly a relatable story, […]

January 7, 2025 | 0 Comments

After the Crescent Strike by A.L. Sowards

After the Crescent Strike by A.L. Sowards

Spectacular Start to New Series A. L. Sowards is a great author and she’s really done a spectacular job this time. This prequel to a series does exactly what a prequel is supposed to do—make you anticipate the release of book 1! I cannot wait!! This is a historical medieval novella, set during the war between the Turks and the Serbs. I love the writing style. From page one, I was captivated by the characters and plot. There are moments that are sweet and others […]

December 28, 2024 | 0 Comments

Eleanor and the Iron King by Julie Daines

Eleanor and the Iron King by Julie Daines

A Medieval Romance that Feels like a fairy tale! From the description on Amazon, I thought this was going to be a fantasy. While there are some mysterious things happening, this is really a medieval romance. It reads a bit like a fairy tale, and I have no idea if its historically accurate. I’m assuming it is, but if it’s not I don’t really care. It feels very medieval and historic, and I loved it. What did I think? I loved pretty much everything about […]

February 23, 2016 | 0 Comments